About Aircare

About Us

Aircare Extraction Systems Limited, situated in Melbourne Australia, is a private, non-listed company that has been manufacturing for more than 35 years. Over this time, the company has developed a reputation for good design, excellent service in providing; fume cupboards (Advanced Air®), fume extraction fans (Brinkmann® & Colaist®) fume scrubbing systems and customised products in rigid plastic fabrication.

Aircare enjoys the challenge of meeting exacting design and high standards of quality control. We continually benchmark our products against our peers, both locally and internationally, and are competitive on design, product quality and safety.

Aircare’s reputation in the Australian market has been built in close association with the parent brand Aircare Limited – Aircare (New Zealand).

TPE’s continual push for new and improved energy saving technology provides Aircare with access to the latest products and winning innovations developed for the scientific and industrial laboratory markets.

Aircare continues to grow and expand its product offering in the Australian market, with growing strength in the  fume scrubbing sector,  energy savings technology and more recently working with “Opira”  a provider of indoor environmental quality and occupational hygiene testing and consulting services, specialising in environmental risk management .

Our products are installed across research institutions, universities, tertiary institutions, secondary schools, hospitals, the manufacturing sector, the dairy industry, and police laboratories.

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