A wet scrubber removes contaminated gases, including soluble chemicals, fumes, and odours from the air. The horizontal packed bed wet scrubber made by Aircare works to eliminate any toxic material from laboratories and industrial environments before releasing it into the atmosphere.
The Aircare manufactured horizontal packed bed fume scrubber is ideal for use on roof and ground installations and is very durable. It uses a cross flow design, where the scrubbing liquid flows downwards at the same time as the gas passes horizontally through the packing part.
The scrubbing liquid absorbs the toxic gas by either physical or chemical ways. The spray system then additionally removes any other contaminants before they flow through the mist eliminator blades and are let out into the atmosphere.
The system can remove up to 95%-98% of water-soluble acids and bases. Some other contaminants may need chemical dosing systems.
Aircare can manufacture the horizontal fume scrubber in various sizes to suit specific airflow demands. The product is very practical and reliable. If you would like to discuss the best model for your needs, contact our team now!