A forensic fingerprint cabinet is essential in any police SOCO laboratory. Aircare offers an efficient fingerprint cabinet that uses cyanoacrylate fuming to unveil latent prints on objects.
Cyanoacrylate fuming is a trusted technique that heats droplets of ‘super glue’ and moves them into a gaseous state. As this gas circulates through the chamber, it reacts with any fingerprints and makes them visible. These visible prints are easy to photograph and use for further research or evidence.
A heating element in the cabinet quickly brings the ‘super glue’ to a boil to create the fumes, and a fan circulates these gases. Simple controls ensure the cabinet is easy to use.
This is a well-proven solution to uncovering fingerprints on physical objects. It ensures the safety of the operator and uses a ducted system to remove all hazardous fumes from the cabinet. This includes a 15-minute post-purge step that makes certain all gases are gone before the operator opens the door.
Please contact Aircare with any questions about our forensic fingerprint cabinet.